Goal Achieving for 2014 – Lynda Dyer – Mind Power Global

Imagine if you had the ability to plan your performance for 2014. Imagine having the state of mind to inspire and motivate yourself and your family, colleagues and staff. Now imagine knowing how to set goals in both the Conscious, AND the subconscious mind that you are ready to act on.

Imagine having the tools to effectively pursue your goals and dreams, be proactive and creative when goal setting effectively and greatly enhance your own and others health, wealth and happiness. Ever had problems goal setting? Ever set goals and did not achieve them?

Most people have very little idea how their mind works. The only way they can motivate themselves is by making themselves do something or wait until there are locking deadlines. They can only get themselves to do things by sheer willpower which leaves them exhausted and unhappy. Willpower only uses 4% of your Conscious mind. Without the connection to the subconscious you are not emotionally connected to your goal and thus it is easy to sabotage the process.

Using the skills and Tools of the NLP Goal Setting in the Subconscious AND Lynda Dyer’s unique teaching style you learn how to use the 96% of you, that being the vast resources of the unconscious mind. You will also use techniques that allow you to be self motivated and congruent. You find yourself not only in control of your own state but also in charge of your future dreams and goals.

You can also learn how to access the default button inside your mind and make both your desires and willpower congruent with what you want. You are then automatically motivated.

These are just some of the skills you will gain during Lynda Dyer’s Setting Goals in the Subconscious Seminar. How is this all possible in such a short time?

The latest advances in Neuro Linguistic Programming and Accelerated Learning Technologies allow people, in an intensive environment, to understand, install and relate skills at a rapid rate.

Just as advances in technology have made travel and communication faster, so have the latest developments in mind technologies enabled us to change, communicate and learn more effectively. Some of our most simple techniques have enabled people to double their income, change negative patterns in relationships, and, like Lynda herself, heal major health issues.

Come join us!

All our courses are tax deductible.

Where:  Courses will be at Camden and the Northern Beaches

When:  Tuesday 12th November in Camden 9am to 12noon. AND Thursday 21st November in Dee Why

Your Investment: Only $97 for all this (saving 70%)

Bookings and Enquiries; lynda@mindpowerglobal.com.au  or 0418960366

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